cruyff in the bedroomのアルバムの先着特典はリミックスCD、さらにオンラインだけの特典も決定
【特典リミックスCD 収録内容】
1,ukiyogunjou(harmonic fall rvb mix)
remixed by Naka-G(夜長オーケストラ)
orchestral performance by Yonaga Orchestra
remixed by Lemon's Chair featuring aya(shelling)
3,yasasihikari(not bootsroom rmx)
remixed by ナカザワダイスケ
4,loves and lights
remixed by white white sisters
remixed by monocism
6,the colour is blue(Lillies and Remains Remix)
remixed by KENT(Lillies and Remains)
7,sadness madness
remixed by 1000say
8,I see the moonlight
remixed by taiju wada(hare-brained unity)
9,mirawii carnaval
remixed by キュマバロウ70
10,rain me
remixed by COSMO-SHIKI
11,last night in antwerp(Tomigaya Remix)
remixed by Makoto Gomi(sphere/wipe)