The movie Singin' in the Rain was one of old Hollywood's rare successful looks at its own history, artistically as well as commercially, and the Arthur Freed/Nacio Herb Brown score was every bit as impressive as a look back on the history of the musical. Drawing on Freed and Brown's output from the 1920s and 1930s, the music provides a vivid portrait of what popular songs were like during the period in which sound came to motion pictures. Beyond the title track and numbers like "Wedding of the Painted Doll," there are burlesques of styles that were in vogue at the time, although the soundtrack's really popular numbers are done in a straight popular vein, including one of Gene Kelly's most effective singing performances, "All I Do Is Dream of You." ~ Bruce Eder
The movie Singin' in the Rain was one of old Hollywood's rare successful looks at its own history, artistically as well as commercially, and the Arthur Freed/Nacio Herb Brown score was every bit as impressive as a look back on the history of the musical. Drawing on Freed and Brown's output from the 1920s and 1930s, the music provides a vivid portrait of what popular songs were like during the period in which sound came to motion pictures. Beyond the title track and numbers like "Wedding of the Painted Doll," there are burlesques of styles that were in vogue at the time, although the soundtrack's really popular numbers are done in a straight popular vein, including one of Gene Kelly's most effective singing performances, "All I Do Is Dream of You." [The 2002 reissue of Singin' in the Rain coincides with the 50th anniversary of the film. The CD includes the original soundtrack with seven supplemental tracks (four of which were previously unreleased), plus a second disc featuring 20 different versions of the tracks from the original movie that were previously recorded for different films. These tracks are taken from movies such as The Broadway Melody (1929) and Babes in Arms (1939), and they feature versions of the title track from 1929 (by Cliff Edwards) and 1940 (by a young Judy Garland.)]
音楽 レニー・ヘイトン
詞・曲 アーサー・フリード&ナシオ・ハーブ・ブラウン
監督 ジーン・ケリー&スタンリー・ドーネン
脚本 アドルフ・グリーン&ベティ・コムデン
主演 ジーン・ケリー、デビー・レイノルズ、ドナルド・オコナー
サイレントからトーキーにうつる頃のハリウッドの映画界を舞台に、踊れる名優ジーン・ケリーが名匠スタンリー・ドーネンとともに監督も努めた、ハリウッド・ミュージカル映画の代表作中の代表作。傘を差しながら踊る超有名シーンでの主題歌「雨に唄えば」は、映画音楽史に残る名曲。楽しい気分にひたりたい時に、聴きたい名盤。 (C)馬場敏裕