中年になること、結婚生活、父になること、友人たち、喪失、ロンドンやローレル・キャニオンなど、身近なテーマをインスピレーションとした最新作『UNFOLLOW THE RULES』には、人生の岐路に立たされたルーファスの姿が反映されている。アーティストとして活動しているこの21年の間に、自身の秩序の元に走り回る反逆児から、ミュージシャンとして成長し、家族を持つファミリーマンとなった彼は、本作で自身の過去に向き合い、新たな挑戦に挑もうとしているのだ。
FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '20での来日も発表になったルーファス。まさに最高のタイミングでのニュー・アルバム発売となるだろう。デラックス・エディションには、「Haine」と「Piece a vivre」の2曲がボーナス・トラックとして収録されている。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/03/27)
His tenth album overall, Unfollow the Rules signifies an emphatic return to pop for Rufus Wainwright following a recording of his first opera (2015s Prima Donna) and a set of Shakespeare sonnets set to music (2016s Take All My Loves). It also represents a career marker of sorts; returning to Los Angeles and specifically Sound City Studios, where Wainwright recorded his 1998 eponymous debut, the songwriter has described it as a bookend to the first part of his career. A lush, theatrical, nearly hourlong 12-track set recorded with legendary producer Mitchell Froom (Paul McCartney, Elvis Costello, Crowded House), it opens with the sleek pairing of Wainwrights vocals and a drum beat by Matt Chamberlain before Trouble in Paradise breaks open with dense, pointed vocal harmonies. A song reportedly inspired by fashionista Anna Wintour, its expanding instrumentation includes performances by the likes of Blake Mills, pianist Randy Kerber, and Rob Moose, who did string arrangements for the album. Horns, woodwinds, keyboards, and pedal steel guitar are among other components of the songs gorgeous, volatile textures. Though there are sparer moments that follow, even tracks like the piano ballad Unfollow the Rules and the ominous dirge Early Morning Madness -- a memorable piece that stands among Wainwrights best work -- eventually swell into something more rhapsodic or, in the case of the latter, devolve into cacophony as they progress. Perhaps the most easygoing track here is You Aint Big, which ventures into pre-rock country stylings for a playful take on ones status in the music industry if you fail to win over the heartland. Wistful closing track Alone Time features just one of the many elegant melodies on Unfollow the Rules and recalls to the rich vocal harmonies of the opener. While intended to hark back to the debut, at least in subtle ways (musicians including drummer Jim Keltner appear on both albums, and much of it was recorded live in the studio), Wainwrights growth as a composer/arranger and his experiences in the classical realm are apparent here. Though, to his credit as a tunesmith, his words and melodies remain center stage. ~ Marcy Donelson
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