オンラインキャンペーン価格クラシック スペシャルプライス15%オフ

バルトーク: 管弦楽作品集 Vol.2




¥ 479 (15%)オフ




在庫状況 について


フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2021年02月26日
国内/輸入 輸入
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 ONYX4213
SKU 880040421320

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 01:12:35

バルトーク:管弦楽作品集 Vol.2
中国の不思議な役人 Sz.73
組曲第2番 Sz.34
ハンガリー農民の歌 Sz.100


  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~I. Introduction
    2. 2.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~II. First Decoy Game
    3. 3.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~III. Second Decoy Game
    4. 4.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~IV. Third Decoy Game
    5. 5.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~V. The Mandarin Enters
    6. 6.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~VI. Dance of the Girl
    7. 7.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~VII. The Chase
    8. 8.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~VIII. Suddenly the Mandarin's Head Appears
    9. 9.
      The Miraculous Mandarin - Complete Ballet Op. 19 SZ 73~IX. The Mandarin Falls on the Floor
    10. 10.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 1]
    11. 11.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 2]
    12. 12.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 3]
    13. 13.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 4]
    14. 14.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 5]
    15. 15.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 6]
    16. 16.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 7]
    17. 17.
      Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra SZ 100~[Part 8]
    18. 18.
      Suite No. 2 Op. 4 SZ 34~I. Comodo
    19. 19.
      Suite No. 2 Op. 4 SZ 34~II. Allegro scherzando
    20. 20.
      Suite No. 2 Op. 4 SZ 34~III. Andante
    21. 21.
      Suite No. 2 Op. 4 SZ 34~IV. Comodo



バルトーク第2弾 「中国の不思議な役人」!

トーマス・ダウスゴーは、現在BBCスコティッシュ交響楽団(BBC SSO)の首席指揮者、スウェーデン室内管弦楽団の首席指揮者、シアトル交響楽団の首席客演指揮者(2019シーズンより音楽監督)、トスカーナ管弦楽団の名誉指揮者、デンマーク国立交響楽団の名誉指揮者(2004年~2011年まで首席指揮者)という多くの重要ポストを務めるデンマーク出身の名指揮者。2019年10月&11月に初開催となった「BBCプロムス・ジャパン」では、メイン指揮者&オーケストラとしてBBCスコティッシュ交響楽団とともに来日し、日本でも再び注目を浴びました。

発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/11/19)

The influence of Stravinskys The Rite of Spring on Bartoks The Miraculous Mandarin is unmistakable, but Bartoks ballet has its roots, not in the atmosphere of artistic experimentation that preceded World War I, but rather in the darker, murky postwar period. Like Stravinskys work, it caused a scandal with its gritty urban story of homeless thugs who force a prostitute to entice an elderly Chinese man so that they can mug him, but Bartok faced not just outrage but outright censorship. The work is most often heard in a suite that abridges the story; this reading by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra under conductor Thomas Dausgaard is one of comparatively few that contain the fairly recently reconstructed complete ballet with such haunting moments as a wordless choir that enters at an appearance of the Mandarin. As with The Rite of Spring, interpreters are all over the spectrum in orchestral intensity in The Miraculous Mandarin. Dausgaard is certainly toward the restrained end of that spectrum in the chase and robbery scenes, but his treatment of the dramatic flow of the score, more apparent in this version than in the usual suites, is precise and natural. Two interesting early Bartok works, neither terribly common, fill out the program, and the BBC Scottish Symphony is in fine form throughout, with excellent sound from the Glasgow City Halls. A strong choice for Bartok collections.



