1975年にリリースされた5作目となるアルバム。"Love Is The Drug"は全英2位、全米30位となるヒットとなったが、今作を最後にバンドは一時解散してしまう事となった。アビーロード・スタジオのマイルス・ショーウェルによるハーフスピード・カッティングがなされ、ジャケットもグロスラミネート加工が施された復刻盤。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/04/14)
Abandoning the intoxicating blend of art rock and glam-pop that distinguished Stranded and Country Life, Roxy Music concentrate on Bryan Ferry's suave, charming crooner persona for the elegantly modern Siren. As the disco-fied opener "Love Is the Drug" makes clear, Roxy embrace dance and unabashed pop on Siren, weaving them into their sleek, arty sound. It does come at the expense of their artier inclinations, which is part of what distinguished Roxy, but the end result is captivating. Lacking the consistently amazing songs of its predecessor, Siren has a thematic consistency that works in its favor, and helps elevate its best songs -- "Sentimental Fool," "Both Ends Burning," "Just Another High" -- as well as the album itself into the realm of classics. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine