スペインが生んだ最注目ポップ・アイコン=ロザリア 4年振り3作目となる待望のニュー・アルバム『モトマミ』
2020年の第62回グラミー賞 では主要4部門のひとつである「Best New Artist」にノミネートされた他、「Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative」を受賞。フラメンコとアーバン・ミュージックのハイブリッド・サウンドとエッジーなヴィジュアルで、数々の大物アーティストたちからラヴコールを受け続ける新星ラテン・ポップ・アイコン=ロザリアが、4年振り3作目となる待望のニュー・アルバム『モトマミ』を発売する。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/02/10)
A positive quality of life during the 21st century has been the rapid dissolution of longstanding cultural divisions. With increasing frequency, the notion of duality itself is giving way to more fluid reflections of identity in human interaction and artistic expression. No album highlights this quite like Rosalias Motomami. Even its binominal title celebrates this duality: "Moto" refers to the primal side of femininity, while "mami" reflects a gentler, earthier maternal aspect. This record, using many producers, offers the expression, appearance, and explosion of binaries in contrasting energies. Motomami is at once jarring, jagged, dissonant, experimental, yet sweet, tender, nurturing, and celebratory; it embodies these contradictions without trying to create a harmonious whole. The aesthetic (not stylistic) peers of this release include the Beastie Boys Ill Communication, Cafe Tacubas Reves/Yo Soy, Mobys Play, Bjorks Volta, and Mexican Institute of Sounds Politico. Rosalia ranges across genres -- stripping, appending, and juxtaposing them in conflicting ways, from reggaeton, flamenco, cumbia, trap, and hip-hop to electro, indie, jazz, and more.
"Saoko" is a sound clash of reggaeton and electro with a rapped lyric about radical transformation. The bridge offers an avant-jazz piano breakdown before colliding rhythms return to surround her. "Candy" begins a cappella with Rosalia using the discipline of flamenco to roll the syllables around in her mouth before letting them drip out amid crisscrossing reggaeton beats and a driving sample from Burials "Arcangel." "La Fama," a duet with the Weeknd, offers his lithe, emotionally pleading voice in an electro-cumbia structure; it is sensually humid and loopy. On "Bulerias," Rosalia returns to hardcore flamenco, but updates it. Traditionally syncopated handclaps are displaced temporarily by layered beats and atmospheric synths, as a male chorus registers chanted assent. Organic handclaps replace synthetic beats to claim the center as the singers subtly manipulated voices join together in power. On "Hentai," a raunchy romantic ballad offers Rosalias warm, studied vibrato transformed via electronica into an alien one with robotic inflection. Its final 40 seconds erupt in zippered beats that add weight to its erotic expression. "Diablo" commences with a flamenco melody and delicate piano before industrial-strength reggaeton beats explode upfront as she sings about God and material corruption. Rosalia channels opera in "Delirio de Grandeza" atop jazzy son and bolero in an homage to Caribbean salsa. The production juxtaposes fragments from Cuban crooner Justo Betancourts 1968 romantic single of the same title to a sampled verse from "Delirious" by Soulja Boy. Rosalias emotionally authoritative vocal on the dolorous electric piano closing track, "Sakura," sounds like it was recorded live in an arena. Her control -- especially of her falsetto -- is canny as she compares her time as a pop star to the brief life of a cherry blossom. Motomami is as provocative and risky as it is creative. It showcases Rosalia as a master, twisting together the contradictory strands of Latin and Anglo pop with traditional and vanguard forms and fresh sounds into a gloriously articulated radical approach that makes for obsessive listening. ~ Thom Jurek
2018年の前作『El Mal Querer』以来、スペインから世界を手玉に取って翻弄してきたロザリアの3作目。自身のルーツであるフラメンコからサルサ、レゲトン、バチャータといったラテン・サウンドはもちろんのこと、ヒップホップ、R&B、ポップ、エレクトロまでを掬い上げて見事に昇華している。同郷のエル・グインチョ、J・バルヴィンの右腕スカイ、ネプチューンズ、ジェイムズ・ブレイク、ウィークエンドらを引き入れ、ブリアルを大胆にサンプリングしたり。だが、手綱を握っているのは彼女に他ならない。過激な性描写から繊細な内面まで、二面性が描かれるテーマや、日本語が飛び交うサイバー感もぶっ飛びまくり。聴けば聴くほど興味尽きないこの不敵な先進性は、リアーナがやりたかったのでは?なんて思ったり。
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