エジプトで生まれたサイードは、14歳の時に歌のレッスンを始め、その後、2013年にはベルリンのハンス・アイスラー音楽大学で学士号を取得、2016年にはアダム・フィッシャーの指揮で『魔笛』のパミーノを歌い、高く評価されます。また同年には第8回ヴェロニカ・ダン国際声楽コンクールで優勝を飾った他、BBCラジオ3の新世代アーティストの1人として選出され、世界的な知名度を獲得しました。エジプト国内でも「傑出した才能を持つソプラノ歌手」として幅広く活動を行い、エジプト全国女性評議会から名誉賞を受賞。デビューアルバム「El Nour」は世界的絶賛され、BBC Music Magazine Awards、 Gramophne Awardsなどを受賞するだけでなく、様々な公演やテレビ、チャリティーなどポピュラー歌手らとも共演して話題を呼んでいます。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/06/17)
Kaleidoscopic is not quite a strong enough word to describe this collection of pieces sung by young phenomenon Fatma Said. This is Saids second album; the first, 2020s El Nour, was an exploration of the Arab influence in European music, daring enough for a debut. Here, she goes perhaps even further, offering vocal pieces in six languages (French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, and Arabic) ranging from opera to zarzuela to Whitney Houstons I Wanna Dance with Somebody Who Loves Me. There are moments when centrifugal force threats to break the program apart, but Said has the talent to hold it together. The voice remains truly remarkable, for one thing; it is a sparkling, startlingly clear soprano in which the listener can luxuriate, and Said has obviously picked material that resonates for her. The operatic selections from the first half of the program may be common enough recital items for a young singer, but the aria Yo soy Maria, from Astor Piazzollas "tango-operita" Maria de Buenos Aires, is not, and she brings this off with flair. If there is a chink in Saids linguistic armor, it is that she does not seem perfectly at ease in the rhythms of colloquial American English, although there is something to enjoy in each of her popular song renditions here. This is true as well in the Whitney Houston finale, given a full classical treatment. It is diva-ish in the best way, and one comes away from the whole thing convinced that Said has thought through her career three or four steps in advance of what is here. She is well supported by the Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo under Sascha Goetzel and by a variety of other ensembles. Said is a major phenomenon, and one can only watch breathlessly to see what comes next. ~ James Manheim
intoxicate (C)古川陽子