レトロ・テイストのローファイ感を基調とし、ダウンテンポ、アンビエント、トリップホップなどさまざまな要素を融合した、「Boards of Canada + Ulrich Schnauss」とでも形容できそうなオーガニックなエレクトロ~ドリーム・ポップ・サウンドを構築してきたTycho。本作では、これまでの路線を継承しつつ、昨今のチルウェイヴ・シーンにも共振する心地よくも奥ゆかしい新作を完成させました。シンプルなデジタル・ビートに、なだらかで叙情的なシンセのメロディのレイヤーが融合し、リヴァービーでサイケデリックなムードに彩られながら、ゆるやかに高みへと誘うサウンド。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/06/02)
The transcendental soundscapes of San Francisco’s Scott Hansen sparkle and shine in Tycho’s first Ghostly release. The San Francisco graphic designer/electronic musician stays dedicated to the musical styles of Boards of Canada and Ulrich Schnauss, with liquid keyboards drizzled over gentle beats, but as the popularity of chillwave continues to increase, these types of hazy meditations are as relevant as ever. When the airy vocals of Jianda Johnson are introduced in the title track, Hansen’s warm mellow grooves fall right in line with groups like Small Black, Neon Indian, and M83. Additional live instrumentation -- provided by guitarist Zac Brown and bassists Dusty Brown and Matt McCord (on “A Walk” and “Ascension”) -- makes Dive more multidimensional than 2004’s Sunrise Projector or 2006’s Past Is Prologue. Likewise, it’s his most downtempo effort, and all that much more soothing and captivating. ~ Jason Lymangrover
bounce (C)武田晃