発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/09/27)
Handels Five Great Suites for Harpsichord were published in London in 1720 but were written earlier, perhaps as early as 1704 or 1705. Whatever the exact date, these are youthful works. Handel breaks out of convention at every turn, mixing and matching French dances and Italianate allegros, deploying long chains of suspensions, and offering virtuoso sets of variations or "doubles." One of these, the last movement of the Suite No. 5 in E major, HWV 430, has come down to posterity under the title "The Harmonious Blacksmith"; the title was not Handels, but the movement makes a good place to start sampling the work of the venerable and venerated Ton Koopman in his recordings of these suites. Hear his powerful copy of a Ruckers harpsichord, which he argues is as good a candidate as any other for the instrument Handel might have played. Revel in his clean treatment of the big variation sets, remarkable in a player approaching octogenarian status. In general, note the youthful atmosphere exuded by the whole (ditto as to the remarkableness there). An added attraction is the sound from Challenge Classics; the album was recorded at Koopmans house in the Netherlands, which turns out to be both idiomatic and clear. A wonderful release from a Baroque keyboard master. ~ James Manheim