英米で初登場1位を記録、グラミー「最優秀アルバム賞」を受賞した、2ndアルバム『Babel』10周年を記念したヴァイナル企画。"I Will Wait"、"Lover Of The Light"を収録。アナザージャケット絵柄・180g重量盤クリーム・カラー・ヴァイナル仕様
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/11/14)
English folk revivalists Mumford & Sons' 2009 debut, Sigh No More, boarded the slowest train it could find on its journey from regional gem to pleasantly surprising, international success story. After simmering and stewing throughout the U.K. and Europe, the band landed boots first at the Staples Center for a rousing performance at the 2011 Grammy Awards that found the smartly dressed quartet tearing through "The Cave," and then backing, along with the equally snappy Avett Brothers, Bob Dylan on a generation-spanning rendition of "Maggie's Farm" that provided one of the better Grammy moments of the last decade or so. They may lack the lyrical prowess of "The Bard," but they know how to turn a phrase, plant a seed, and build a bridge and tear it back down again without losing the audience in the process. Simply put, they can bend the relative simplicity of traditional folk music to their collective wills, which is exactly what they do on their sophomore outing, Babel. ~ James Christopher Monger
デビュー作『Sigh No More』が世界的なヒットを記録したロンドンのフォーク・クァルテットから、待望の2作目が到着。UKトラッド・フォークやカントリーを下敷きにした、くすんだ色合いのサウンドと、現代的なロック・バンドの持つ熱とが同居した世界観はもちろんのこと、大観衆の前で鍛え上げられた〈歌〉の逞しさに惚れ惚れしてしまう。自分たちの表現に揺るぎない確信を得たことを証明する一枚だ。
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