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Space Heavy<数量限定盤/Clear Vinyl/日本語帯付き/Indie Exclusive>






在庫状況 について


フォーマット LPレコード
発売日 2023年06月09日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルXL Recordings
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 XL1327LPE
SKU 191404132708

構成数 : 1枚

  1. 1.[LPレコード]
    1. 1.
    2. 2.
      Pink Shell
    3. 3.
    4. 4.
      That Is My Life, That Is Yours
    5. 5.
      Tortoise Of Independency
    6. 6.
      Empty Stomach Space Cadet
    7. 7.
    8. 8.
    9. 9.
      From The Swamp
    10. 10.
    11. 11.
      Our Vacuum
    12. 12.
      Space Heavy
    13. 13.
      When Vanishing
    14. 14.
      If Only It Was Warmth
    15. 15.
      Wednesday Overcast


アーティスト: King Krule


様々なジャンルが交錯し続けるUKストリート・カルチャーのアイコンにして、シーンのコア・ソウルを担うキング・クルールことアーチー・マーシャルが最新アルバム『Space Heavy』をリリース!
本作は2020年から2022年にかけて、活動の拠点であるロンドンと本人曰くもうひとつの故郷であるリバプールを行き来する中で制作が進められるなか、「間に存在する空間(the space between)」という概念に魅了されたアーチーが、愛への憧れや繋がりが失われてしまうことについて歌った15曲を収録。
キャッチーなギター・リフにアーチーならではのリリックが光る「Flimsier」、そして夢幻的で素朴なメロディーが印象的な先行シングル「Seaforth」、うねるようなベースが先導するロック・チューン「Pink Shell」などを筆頭にキャリアを通じて構築してきた、地底深くのめり込むような音響世界の最深部に宿る作品がここに完成。
輸入盤は通常のCD/LPに加え、Indie Exclusiveとなる日本語帯付限定クリア・ヴァイナルがリリースされる。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/04/14)

In 2013, Archy Marshalls King Krule released 6 Feet Beneath the Moon, a loopy homemade collection of tunes that jammed together bits from jazz, post-punk, hip-hop, indie rock, bedsit EDM, and even bossa nova. Punters admired Marshalls brutally honest, outsider storytelling and biting, haunted, social observations. With that offering on the cusp of turning ten in August, King Krule delivers Space Heavy, their fourth long-player. Remarkably, despite becoming a more insightful lyricist, a better guitarist, and a more focused songwriter, Marshalls approach hasnt really changed all that much save for being even looser, with production architecture that is almost dreamlike in the sense of drift. The songs on Space Heavy were written as Marshall rail-commuted between residences in London and Liverpool. Traveling made him aware of, and obsessed with, existing in "the spaces between." He began writing songs about mental space, physical space, cosmic and spiritual space, and the various psychological and emotional spaces existing between humans, as well as the self we see in the mirror. He attempted -- and largely succeeds -- to chart the spaces between what we feel and see, between what we recognize and what we discover. Much of Space Heavy sounds like Marshall is trying to blueprint a world that doesnt yet exist and may, in fact, be undiscoverable. The dreaminess and disorientation in King Krules music is evident on set-opener "Flimsier." Washed-out ambient electronics flood the foreground before fingerpicked electric guitars rein it in. He sings from the depths, "Well, as this night bleeds/You could love me forever/Maybe thats why We dont work, we dont work …." The protagonist, shielded by the lyrical six-string and slowly shuffling snare, is bewildered by his own acceptance of his heartbreak as if it were inevitable. "Pink Shell" is delivered in wooly post-punk as James Wilsons bass throb collides with Marshalls and Jack Towells guitars and Ignacio Salvadores honking tenor sax. "Seaforth" is a tender, vulnerable indie pop nugget that asks with bewildered intelligence, "Whyd you return into the world of distant past/We separate across the blades of growin grass/I see you, the same eyes/Reflect the world that falls apart/Theres a fire in my heart…." The ballad "Tortoise of Independency" suggests the influence of Vini Reillys Durutti Column. Its lyric blends seamlessly with the drifting guitars and whispering drums. "Seagirl features New York vocalist Raveena singing above lilting guitars before drums and keys kick in, elevating her vocal above Marshalls. While the title track begins as a quirky little jazz tune, it transforms into an exercise in unhinged post-punk. "If Only It Was Warmth" finds the rhythm section in an austere drift as Marshall expresses deep disappointment to the absent beloved. Taken whole, Space Heavy is tense, primitive, and unnerving lyrically. While observing the spaces between, Marshalls songs -- reflective, consumptive, instructive, and compelling -- simultaneously create and destroy spaces between the worlds he observes, so he remakes the world he lives in with restraint, grace, a broken heart, and brutal honesty. ~ Thom Jurek

bounce (C)田中亮太



