発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/07/19)
Music for wind ensemble is an important strand in Czech musical culture; Antoine Reicha, in the early 19th century, was a key contributor to the genre, and many composers in the early 20th century wrote wind works. Even those who moved away from Czech lands, including Reicha (who ran away from home at ten by jumping onto a passing cart), gravitated toward the genre. The works here are all splendid examples, and the charm that the Orsino Ensemble members find in them is palpable. The best, perhaps, is saved for last, with Bohuslav Martinus Sextet for winds and piano; this subtle work went perhaps further than any other of the time in incorporating jazz influences without ever really sounding like jazz, and the players are wonderfully sensitive to the feel of the syncopations. The Reicha Wind Quintet, Op. 88, No. 2, was one of 25 that he wrote, and one easily understands their popularity. Janačeks Mladi ("Youth"), written in 1924 when the composer was 70, lives up to its name with a truly ebullient finale that challenges the players to produce perfect coordination; they manage it. The wind writing in the Wind Quintet, Op. 10, of Pavel Haas, doomed to death at Auschwitz, is gorgeous. These works have been recorded before by Czech groups and a few others, but the combination of precision and fun here can stand with any other performances. Chandos church sound is not idiomatic but is not distracting. ~ James Manheim