クリスマス・アルバムの名盤『A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector』の発売60周年記念盤(ピクチャー・ヴァイナル)
1963年に発売され、この世に存在する数多くのクリスマス・アルバムの中でもその代表格として、今なお全世界で多くの音楽ファンに支持され続けている名盤中の名盤『A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector』の発売60周年を記念し、ピクチャー・ヴァイナルを発売。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/09/08)
Featuring Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound" in its prime and his early stable of artists, the Ronettes, Crystals, Darlene Love, and Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans, A Christmas Gift for You From Phil Spector stands as inarguably the greatest Christmas record of all time. Spector believed he could produce a record for the holidays that would capture not only the essence of the Christmas spirit, but also be a pop masterpiece that would stand against any work these artists had already done. He succeeded on every level, with all four groups/singers recording some of their most memorable performances. This is the Christmas album by which all later holiday releases had to be judged, and it has inspired a host of imitators. ~ Dennis MacDonald