日本語解説書には、ヘンデル研究所評議員のデイヴィッド・ヴィッカーズによる非常に詳しい作品解説の日本語訳、音楽学の加藤拓未 氏による書き下ろし解説、歌詞訳を掲載
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/10/13)
Conductor John Nelson is better known for the likes of Berlioz than for historically inclined Handel, but 80 years old when this release appeared, he has earned the right to do what he likes. This Messiah stands out in a very crowded marketplace, making classical best-seller lists in the holiday season of 2023. There are several attractions. Most apparent from the packaging and graphics is the inclusion of a good deal of alternative material from the oratorio, which developed considerably in the decade and a half after its premiere. Some of these are grouped at the end as "alternative arias" (on the CD), an "appendix" (in online streaming versions), or simply bonus tracks. Others are in the main body of the oratorio, where Nelson mixes several versions. The expansive 1741 version of "O Death, where is thy sting" is rarely heard, and here, it seems beautifully proportioned. These genuine novelties aside, this is an exceptionally strong Messiah that anyone can enjoy. The soloists are all appealing, with the delicate voice of Lucy Crowe and the tenor of Michael Spyres nicely tamping down his voice from his usual bel canto fare, being standouts. However, the best of all may be the English Concert Chorus, beautifully drilled by Nelson into gloriously light passagework, yet capable of muscle in the likes of "Worthy is the lamb that was slain." There is a really sharp sense of engagement with the text in several choruses: sample "All we like sheep." Warner Classics sound from the New St. Michaels Cathedral in Coventry is spacious but not indistinct, quite idiomatic. A wonderful Messiah for those wanting a fresh one. ~ James Manheim
有名な「ハレルヤコーラス」を含む『メサイア』全曲に感動的な新録音が登場! アメリカの巨匠ジョン・ネルソンがイギリスのイングリッシュ・コンサートをコヴェントリー大聖堂で指揮したもので、CDにはセッション録音を、DVDにはライヴ映像を収録している。1742年の初演当時を時代考証した演奏だが、そうしたスタイルを超えて、音楽が豊かに息づき、生命力と情感に満ちていることに打たれる。とくに合唱は技量が高いだけではなく、歌声が常に人間の温もりを感じさせ、壮麗無比な終曲を頂点に最高の出来。ソリストも実力者揃いで、とくにクロウとスパイアーズの表現力は聴き物だ。全ての音楽ファンにお薦め!
intoxicate (C)板倉重雄