ロシアの鬼才ピアニストとその師が偉大な作曲家に捧げるかつてないデュオ・アルバム CD2枚組
今をときめくロシアのピアニスト、ダニール・トリフォノフとその友人であり師であるアルメニア出身の超絶ピアニストとして名高いセルゲイ・ババヤンの二人が、作曲家ラフマニノフの生誕150周年を記念して制作したデュオ・アルバム。CD2枚組。歴史上最も偉大なピアニストの一人であり、後期ロマン派時代に最も愛された作曲家の一人として人々に記憶されているセルゲイ・ラフマニノフ(1873-1943)。このアルバム『Rachmaninoff for Two』にはラフマニノフによる組曲第1番と第2番、『交響的舞曲』、そしてトリフォノフの編曲による交響曲第2番の第3楽章「アダージョ」が収められています。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/03/15)
The apex of the duo piano repertory was reached with Rachmaninov, who challenged pianists with the maximum in technical brilliance while also deploying the rich textures of the medium in ultra-Romantic moods. Performances may emphasize one or the other of these and may take various attitudes toward the knuckle-breaking materials of, say, the Tarantella from the Suite No. 2 for two pianos, Op. 17. Here, the order of the day is pure old-school Russian pianism, brilliant and, where necessary, thundering. These pieces are unforgiving of any hint of un-coordination, and there is none in these readings, perhaps because the players were aided by having been teacher (Sergei Babayan) and student (Daniil Trifonov). They do slow things down effectively in the programmatic and more Tchaikovskian Suite No. 1, Op. 5, based on poems by Byron, Lermontov, and others. However, the chief attraction here is hearing the pianos pushed to their limits. Rachmaninov and Vladimir Horowitz played two of these pieces, the Suite No. 2 and Rachmaninovs own arrangement of the Symphonic Dances, at a Los Angeles party shortly before the composers death. One would like to have been a fly on the wall at that event, but this may be the next best thing. The album made classical best-seller lists in the spring of 2024. ~ James Manheim