シカゴの先進的なインディ・ロックの長い系譜に新たに加わったFrikoは、すべての曲を集合的なカタルシスの瞬間に変える。ATO Recordsからリリースされるデビュー・アルバムで、ヴォーカリスト/ギタリストのNiko KapetanとドラマーのBailey Minzenbergerは、ポスト・パンク、チェンバー・ポップ、エクスペリメンタル・ロックの要素を融合。そのアンサンブル・ヴォーカルによって、自らの音楽の爽快なパワーを拡大させている。詩的で爆発的、そして生々しいフィーリングを持つ『Where we've been, Where we go from here』は、ヘヴィなアンセムにも、胸に迫るバラードにも、同じように直感的な激しさをもたらし、扱いにくい感情のはけ口を即座に作り出している。アルバムは、Scott TallaridaとFrikoのプロデュースで、追加プロデュースはJack Henry。Heba Kadry(Bj□rk、Big Thief)がマスタリングをおこない、HenryとTallaridaがエンジニアリングを担当。主にTallaridaのスタジオ、Trigger Chicagoでライヴ・レコーディングされた。2019年に結成されたFrikoは、直ちにEmpty BottleやSchubas Tavernといったシカゴの伝説的な会場でステージに立ち始め、2022年には絶賛されたデビューEP『Whenever Forever』を自主リリース。翌春にはBonnarooでフェスティヴァル・デビューを果たした。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/02/21)
A project launched in Chicago in 2019, Frikos profile rose steadily through bookings at famed local venues, festival appearances including Bonnaroo, prominent playlisting, and favorable press coverage on the strength of their early short-form releases. The bands debut album, Where weve been, Where we go from here, manages to live up to the hype thanks to consistently vulnerable, impassioned material that oscillates between desperate ballads and cathartic rockers with memorable choruses. This effect is maximized by the high-strung delivery of bandleader Niko Kapetan, who effortlessly navigates the albums high-contrast sequencing. Where weve been, Where we go from here was produced by Friko (the duo of Kapetan and drummer Bailey Minzenberger) and Scott Tallarida and recorded mostly live in the studio -- and sounds like it. One of the more striking aforementioned contrasts occurs with the midway pairing of "For Ella" and "Chemical," in which "For Ella" is a ghostly, half-whispered, strings-accompanied piano ballad with a classical-romantic vibe and dramatic musical twists (sudden crescendos, close-harmony backing vocals, atmospheric noise) that, collectively, could pass for a timeless movie theme. "Chemical" is a howling, squealing discharge of a song that nonetheless remains highly harmonic. It, in turn, is followed by the reflective, midtempo "Statues," one of the albums melancholic earworms. Elsewhere, "Get Numb to It!" is a late-arriving outright banger with headbanging drums, a soaring singalong chorus, and lyrics that include "do do, do do do" as well as an anthemic "No, it never gets better/It just gets twice as bad…So you better get numb to it/Get numb to it." The rest of WWBWWGFH is just as nihilistic, a potentially appealing trait given the global tenor of its time. ~ Marcy Donelson
intoxicate (C)石田真生
bounce (C)赤瀧洋二