レア・グルーヴの元祖ギル・スコット・ヘロン!3rdアルバム「Free Will」BGOからリマスタリングされLPリイシュー!
シカゴ出身黒人ソング・ライター&ポエマーでヒップホップに多大な影響を与えたレアグルーヴの元祖ギル・スコット・ヘロン。1972年にリリースされた"Free Will "がリマスタリングされBGOからLPをリリースする!ブライアン・ジャクソン、ソウル界の名ドラマー、バーナード・パーディー、そして本作で素晴らしい演奏を聴かせるジャズ・フルート奏者、ヒューバート・ローズ等の豪華メンバーが収録参加し哀愁漂うフルートと胸を締め付けるようなベトナム戦争について語られる「Do You Hear What They Said?」、美しいピアノバラード「The Middle Of Your Day」、JOHN COLTRANEに捧げられた「...and then he wrote Meditations」などを始めサンプリングされた名曲が勢揃いの大名盤!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/01/15)
Gil Scott-Heron's third album is split down the middle, the first side being a purely musical experience with a full band (including flutist Hubert Laws and drummer Pretty Purdie), the second functioning more as a live rap session with collaborator Brian Jackson on flute and a few friends on percussion. For side one, although he's overly tentative on the ballad "The Middle of Your Day," Scott-Heron excels on the title track and the third song, "The Get Out of the Ghetto Blues," one of his best, best-known performances. The second side is more of an impromptu performance, with Scott-Heron often explaining his tracks by way of introduction ("No Knock" referred to a new police policy whereby knocking was no longer required before entering a house, "And Then He Wrote Meditations" being Scott-Heron's tribute to John Coltrane). His first exploration of pure music-making, Free Will functions as one of Scott-Heron's most visceral performance, displaying a maturing artist who still draws on the raw feeling of his youth. The Bluebird reissue from 2001 includes eight alternate takes, best being an alternate of the title track. ~ John Bush