このアルバムは私たちを繋ぐ、生まれたままの、フィルターを通すことのない感情を音楽で探求しています。彼女が母親としての気持ちや感情にインスパイアされ、普遍的に繋がる言語を探り、その力が状況を変化させ、それを超越することを明らかにしています。その経験から全く新しい次元の扉を開いています。サムエルセンはこの経験を音楽で表現するために誰もが共感できる気持ちや事柄、つまり好奇心、失敗、愛、幸福など、作品を通してアルバムに反映しています。アルバムの終わりはブライス・デスナーが自分の幼い息子のために作った子守歌『Song for Octave』で締めくくられます。
*180g重量盤 ・ Crystal Clear Vinyl
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/05/29)
This is violinist Mari Samuelsens third recording for the Deutsche Grammophon label. Perhaps that venerable imprint, observing the rich lode of profits reaped by British crossover projects, wanted a slice of the pie. In any event, Samuelsens releases have been popular (this one made classical best-seller lists in the summer of 2024), and they put distinctive twists on the common crossover album. For one thing, she is a technically gifted player with quite a range of tones in her quiver and a cool, precise approach. These are deployed not in a slurpy string orchestra context but with a small group drawn from the ranks of an ensemble called Scoring Berlin. Furthermore, the material on Samuelsens program is differentiated, not a sequence of monotone sentiment. The program rises to a mini-climax with Mario Laginhas Coisas da Terra and Aheym by Bryce Dessner (rock fans will know him from his time with the band The National, but he is more oriented toward concert music these days). The dynamic recedes a bit with a movement from Schuberts Piano Quintet in A major, D. 667 ("Trout"), and this doesnt quite work; the greater surface variety of Schubert seems to come out of nowhere, although the inclusion of this goes to show that Samuelsen is up to more than the usual gauzy stuff in the crossover sphere. One online commenter has called Samuelsen "the Einaudi of the violin," and indeed, Einaudi is present on the program, but this isnt quite fair. Samuelsen indicates that the album was inspired by her experience of motherhood. Would one guess this without being informed beforehand? Listeners are invited to try the music out on their friends and ask them to guess. In any event, they will hear a crossover album with variety and superior musicianship. ~ James Manheim