アメリカ・テキサスの狂気あふれる変態パンク/ロックバンド、Butthole Surfersの3rd/4th/EP作品が〈Matador〉より最新リマスターにてヴァイナル再発!
ハードコアからメタル、サイケ、更にはファンク、ヒップホップまで様々なジャンルをミックスし独自のサウンドを奏でる伝説的変態バンド、Butthole Surfersの再発シリーズ第2弾が〈Matador Records〉より発売される!
今回、リマスターされたのは、バイオリンやオルガンなどを使用したエクスペリメンタルな『Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis』(1985年)、ヘロヘロのディストーション・ギターやピッチ変調などのエフェクトを多用した奇怪なヴォーカルが特徴的な『Locust Abortion Technician』(1987年)、そしてツインドラム編成によるビートに乗せてサイケデリックなノイズが押し寄せる『Hairway to Steven』(1988年)の3作。テキサス出身の奇妙なアウトサイダーから、世界的に有名なアメリカン・アンダーグラウンドの「卑猥王」へと変貌を遂げていた時期を物語るButthole Surfersの代表的な名盤が今、蘇る!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/07/02)
The final album for the Surfers' legendary run on Touch and Go got a reception probably not even the band figured on -- lead reviews in major music magazines, increasingly higher profiles, and more. As it is, though, Hairway is actually a touch lazy in comparison to the previous releases, sometimes sounding almost all too normal. When it connects, though, Steven works wonders, whether continuing in the punk/psychedelic fusion vein of the past or exploring a gentler, tuneful side. The lengthy opener "Jimi" is the album's high note, and as one might guess from the title it's something of a tribute to Hendrix -- at least, if "Third Stone From the Sun" sounded like it was recorded in a sewer tunnel and was even more gone than it already was. Haynes' alternately deep and hyper-high-pitched vocals work perfectly against Leary's searing, crazed guitar noises, while the Pinkus/Coffey rhythm section lays down a massive beat. Everything concludes with deceptive peacefulness: acoustic guitar, tweeting birds, sounds of bowling, and the like. Other highlights include "I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas," a relatively straightforward, mostly acoustic-plus-rhythm section number sung clearly (!) by Haynes, and the mock live recording "John E. Smokes," with Haynes often sounding like a rural preacher gone mad. The humming guitar buzz of "Backass" and the quick blast of "Fart Song" concludes Steven with vim. As a final note, the song titles themselves can't be found anywhere on the release -- instead, and quite notoriously, a series of cartoon drawings stand in for them. Some are fairly calm, but most show things like nude women displaying their butts and rabbits taking dumps on deer. Juvenile? Of course, but the Butthole Surfers never pretended to be nice and sweet. ~ Ned Raggett