新たにリマスターされたLP2枚組。180g重量盤。再発見された12曲(そのうち7曲は未発表曲)を収録。David Frickeによる新しいライナーノーツ付属。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/09/02)
Riding high on the back-to-back Top Five platinum hits Damn the Torpedoes and Hard Promises, Tom Petty quickly returned to the studio to record the Heartbreakers' fifth album, Long After Dark. Truth be told, there was about as long a gap between Dark and Promises as there was between Promises and Torpedoes. There are a few new wave flourishes here and there, but the band hasn't really changed its style at all -- it's still Stonesy, Byrds-ian heartland rock. As their first four albums illustrated, that isn't a problem in itself, since they've found numerous variations within their signature sound. With its swirling, minor key guitars, "You Got Lucky" is a classic and "Change of Heart" comes close to matching the peaks of Promises and Torpedoes. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine