世界的大ヒットとなった『Tension』に続く、エネルギーと勢いにあふれた『Tension II』
新しいスタジオ・トラック9曲とThe Blessed Madonnaとの最新ダンスヒット『Edde of Saturday Night』、さらにOrville Peck、Bebe Rexha、Tove Lo、そしてSiaとのコラボレーション曲が収録されている。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/09/24)
Rather than release a deluxe version of Tension bundled with era extras on a second disc, dance queen Kylie Minogue issued a brand-new full-length, Tension II, as her official 17th studio album. Arriving just a year after its elder sibling, this sequel set continues the pop divas early-2020s winning run of irresistible dance anthems. Tension II keeps those feet firmly planted on the dancefloor with a decent collection that ranges from breezy B-side-level filler, like the throwback disco of "Taboo" and "Dance to the Music," to marquee bangers such as the pounding "Lights Camera Action" and "Kiss Bang Bang." Other highlights include the shimmering "Hello," which sounds like a "Padam Padam" sequel, the breezy neon-sheen of "Shoulda Left Ya," and "My Oh My" with Bebe Rexha and Tove Lo, a slow-grower whose charm increases with each subsequent listen as the trio does a roll call on playful verses (most importantly teaching everyone how to correctly pronounce Tove Los name). Tacked onto the end are a wealth of previously released guest appearances, such as "Dance Alone" from Sias Reasonable Woman, "Midnight Ride" with Diplo and Orville Peck from the latters Stampede, and "Edge of Saturday Night" with the Blessed Madonna. For fans craving more of Kylies excellent early-2020s output, Tension II delivers, even when it pales next to more immediate cuts on Disco and the first Tension. ~ Neil Z. Yeung
来たる3月の来日公演を前にサプライズ来日していたカイリー様からのサプライズ・アルバム。前作『Tension』の"Padam Padam"での絶好調ぶりを継続すべくエレポップなクラブ・ミュージックに特化。長年の朋友リチャード"ビフ"スタンナードをはじめ、スティーヴ・マック、ロストボーイ、TMS、ブレスド・マドンナらダンスフロアの仕掛け人が多数参加。時にオッドに、時にキッチュに、王道ポップから少しレフトな実験性を交えつつ。彼女の歌も主張しすぎない水彩画のような美学で一貫されている。オーヴィル・ペック&ディプロ、シーア、ビービー・レクサ&トーヴ・ローとの共演曲も収録。
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