20世紀で最も影響力のあるアーティストの1人による、19CD限定版デラックス・ボックス・セット!R&B、ドゥーワップ、ブロードウェイ、オペラ、フォーク……10枚のオリジナル・スタジオ・アルバム、2つの未発表ライブ・コンサートを含む 6 枚のライブ・アルバム、1966年のデモ・テープ、モノラル・バージョン、オルタナティブ・バージョン、ライブ・トラックを含むレアなボーナス・ディスクで構成。全てのアルバムはこのコレクションのために特別にリマスタリング。ヴィヴィアン・ゴールドマンによる詳細なライナーノーツ、サー・エルトン・ジョンによる序文、チャーリー・カレロ、ウィル・リー、ジョン・セバスチャン、ジャクソン・ブラウン、クライブ・デイヴィス、ルー・アドラー、ランディ・ブレッカー、バーナード・パーディ、スコット・ビリントン、ジョンによる証言を含むブックレットには、家族の親密なショットなどこれまで未公開だった貴重な写真が彩ります。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/10/21)
Laura Nyros Hear My Song: The Collection 1966-1995 is a long overdue, comprehensive box set from Englands Madfish. Produced by James Batsford, these 19 discs have been painstakingly remastered specifically for this release. Even the mono mixes sound new. The visuals include a lavishly illustrated 12x12 hardcover book packed with photos, a fold-out career/biographical timeline, and reminiscences from son Gil Bianchini and brother Jan Nigro, Bernard Purdie, Will Lee, and Clive Davis among them. Elton John wrote the forward. Theres a lengthy reflection from producer Charlie Calello, and a towering liner essay by author and critic Vivien Goldman.
The recordings -- particularly the stereo and mono mixes -- offer a multidimensional appreciation of Nyros music and creative development. 1966s More Than a New Discovery is presented in stereo and mono versions on disc one. Discs two and three comprise the mono and stereo versions of her Columbia debut Eli & the 13th Confession, produced by Calello. Both versions are justified; they offer truly different readings of "Stoned Soul Picnic," "Elis Coming," Womans Blues," and the gospelized jazz number "Confession." 1969s New York Tendaberry is known for sparse production (piano, vocals, and chorus), "Save the Country," and "Time for Love." 1970s Christmas and the Beads of Sweat showcased an all-star studio cast that included Alice Coltrane, Duane Allman, and Joe Farrell, while 1971s classic Gonna Take a Miracle, recorded in collaboration with Labelle, remains her most popular recording, stacked with soul and pop covers. 1976s Smile featured Calello as producer and a roster of jazz musicians. Under-noticed upon release, it remains one of her most sophisticated albums. So does 1978s Nested, a pop-oriented offering. Her only album in the 80s, Mothers Spiritual, offered topical and political songs that proved difficult for male rock critics. Women -- critics and fans -- embraced its soulful wisdom. 1993s Walk the Dog & Light the Light is her final Columbia studio album. Slagged by male critics for its feminist topicality, it too was celebrated by women critics. The producers have beautifully restored the controversial Rounder album Angel in the Dark in 2024 -- 23 years after its initial release, it sounds revelatory with its cohesive genre meld and lyric invention.
Finally, this set contains a disc of Go Find the Moon, her audition tape (she was 16), and another disc of studio rarities and live tracks that include the demo of "Stoned Soul Picnic" and alternate versions of "Ooh Baby," Dont Hurt the Child," and "Angel in the Dark" with rare concert tracks. There are six live discs to offer balance with Nyros, passion, drama, and pathos in performance; they include 1971s Live at the Fillmore East and 1977s Season of Lights. 2003s double Live! The Looms Desire is comprised of Christmas Eve shows in 1993 and 1994 at The Bottom Line. Finally, there are two discs representing San Francisco concerts in 1994 at the Fairmont Hotel. Pricey but essential, Hear My Song: The Collection 1966-1995 offers not only the best material they could get their hands on, but also the best of what they could get their hands on. ~ Thom Jurek