KICK ROCK INVASIONが誇る人気の新世代アーティスト集結のエモ・ポップパンクコンピ、
Beyond [The] Blueシリーズ第4弾!CD2枚組に39曲をフル・ヴォリュームで収録。
【BEYOND[THE]BLUE Vol.4 トラックリスト】
Disk 1
1 - With The Punches "Dead Weight"
2 - Carridale "Relapse In The River City"
3 - We The Kings "Heaven Can Wait"
4 - Anarbor "Mr. Big Shot"
5 - We Are The In Crowd "Calendar Pages"
6 - Mayday Parade "Anywhere But Here"
7 - Every Avenue "Stop Pretending" (Unreleased)
8 - Call It A Night "Start Fresh"
9 - The Real You "Before I Go" (New)
10 - Artist Vs Poet "Fall As Fast As Me" (Unreleased)
11 - Valencia "Days Go By" (New)
12 - With Honors "Blackout"
13 - Go Radio "When Dreaming Gets Drastic"
14 - Amely "Comeback To Me"
15 - The Downtown Fiction "I Just Wanna Run"
16 - Attracted To Miss "Action"
17 - Swing The Coast "She's So Rock and Roll"
18 - Mayview "Burn The City (Predictable)"(Demo)
19 - The Wonder Years "Washington Square Park"
20 - So Contagious "Locked & Loaded"
21 - Take Notice "Scratched CDs Are Nothing Compared To Missed
Opportunities" (Demo)
22 - Boys Will Be Boys "Nowhere Fast"
23 - Honor Bright "Bednotch And Boomsticks"
Disk 2
1 - Paige "For Better For Worse" (New)
2 - Destine "Where Are You Now"
3 - Out Of Sight "Hey! (Walk Away)"
4 - Red Summer Tape "Saturday Night Girl"
5 - New Strike Zipper "Last Sentence"
6 - Skyway "All These Years"
7 - My Forever "Always A Stranger"
8 - Secret 7 Line "Black Jacket"
9 - Not Advised "The World's Not Ready"
10 - Janga69 "You & Me"
11 - No Time For "Parade"
12 - Yonrinsha "Is It All Downhill"
13 - Heroes For Hire "The Boys You Love To Hate"
14 - This Morning Day "Master Plan"
15 - Break Your Frame "Strange Games"
16 - Kids Can't Fly "She Called Shotgun"