
メンデルスゾーン: オラトリオ《エリヤ》 Op.70




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フォーマット SACDハイブリッド
発売日 2024年09月20日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルLSO Live
構成数 2
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 LSO0898
SKU 822231189824

構成数 : 2枚
合計収録時間 : 02:00:08

メンデルスゾーン(1809-1847):オラトリオ《エリヤ》 op.70
[Disc 1] 第1部
[Disc 2] 第2部



  1. 1.[SACDハイブリッド]
    1. 1.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. Introduction. As God the Lord of Israel liveth
    2. 2.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. Overture
    3. 3.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 1 Chorus. Help, Lord! Wilt Thou quite destroy us?
    4. 4.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 1 Recitative. The depths afford no water!
    5. 5.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 2 Duet with Chorus. Lord, bow Thine ear to our pray’r!
    6. 6.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 3 Recitative. Ye people, rend your hearts, and not your garments
    7. 7.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 4 Aria. If with all your hearts ye truly seek Me
    8. 8.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 5 Chorus. Yet doth the Lord see it not
    9. 9.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 6 Recitative. Elijah! Get thee hence from here!
    10. 10.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 7 Double Quartet. For He shall give His angels to watch over thee
    11. 11.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 8 Recitative, Aria and Duet. What have I to do with thee
    12. 12.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 9 Chorus. Blessed are the men who fear Him
    13. 13.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 10 Recitative with Chorus. As God the Lord of Sabaoth liveth
    14. 14.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 11 Chorus. Baal, we cry to thee
    15. 15.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 12 Recitative and Chorus. Call him louder! For he is a God
    16. 16.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 13 Recitative and Chorus. Call him louder! He heareth not
    17. 17.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 14 Aria. Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel
    18. 18.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 15 Quartet. Cast thy burden upon the Lord
    19. 19.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 16 Recitative and Chorus. O Thou, who makest Thine angels spirits
    20. 20.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 17 Aria. Is not His word like a fire
    21. 21.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 18 Arioso. Woe, woe unto them who forsake Him!
    22. 22.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 19 Recitative and Chorus. O man of God, help Thy people!
    23. 23.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 1. No 20 Chorus. Thanks be to God
  2. 2.[SACDハイブリッド]
    1. 1.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 21 Aria, Recitative and Aria. Hear ye, Israel! – Thus saith the Lord – I am He that comforteth
    2. 2.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 22 Chorus. Be not afraid, saith God the Lord
    3. 3.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 23 Recitative and Chorus. The Lord hath exalted thee from among the people
    4. 4.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 24 Chorus. Woe to him! He shall perish
    5. 5.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 25 Recitative. Man of God, now let me words be precious in thy sight!
    6. 6.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 26 Aria. It is enough! O Lord, now take away my life
    7. 7.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 27 Recitative. See, now he sleepeth beneath a juniper tree in the desert!
    8. 8.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 28 Trio. Lift thine eyes, O lift thine eyes to the mountains
    9. 9.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 29 Chorus. He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps
    10. 10.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 30 Recitative. Arise, Elijah
    11. 11.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 31 Aria. O rest in the Lord, and wait for Him
    12. 12.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 32 Chorus. He that shall endure to the end
    13. 13.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 33 Recitative. Night falleth round me, O Lord!
    14. 14.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 34 Chorus. Behold, God the Lord
    15. 15.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 35 Recitative and Quaret with Chorus. Above Him stood the Seraphim – Holy, holy, holy is God the Lord
    16. 16.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 36 Chorus and Recitative. Go, return upon thy way
    17. 17.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 37 Arioso. For the mountains shall depart
    18. 18.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 38 Chorus. Then did Elijah the prophet break forth like a fire
    19. 19.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 39 Aria. Then shall the righteous shine
    20. 20.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 40 Recitative. Behold, God hath sent Elijah the prophet
    21. 21.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 41 Chorus. But the Lord hath awakened one this night
    22. 22.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 41 Quartet. O come ev’ry one that thirsteth
    23. 23.
      Elijah, Op. 70, MWV A25~Part 2. No 42 Final Chorus. And then shall your light break forth



LSO LIVEレーベル25周年

まもなく来日のパッパーノ&LSO。メンデルスゾーンの《エリヤ》のリリースの登場です。音楽史上3本の指に入る傑作オラトリオとして人気がある《エリヤ》で、LSO Liveレーベル発足をも祝います。

《エリヤ》は聖書の預言者エリヤの生涯を、メンデルスゾーンが敬愛したバッハやヘンデルらに倣ってオラトリオとして描いた作品です。1846年にバーミンガム・タウン・ホールで初演されました。公演は大成功をおさめましたが、メンデルスゾーンは手を加え、翌年に最終版を完成させました。「これほど完全な勝利と、偉大な芸術作品の迅速な認知はなかった」と『タイムズ』紙は報じました。The Messiah(ヘンデル)にならび、The Elijahとも呼ばれたほどに人々に親しまれました。

発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/08/08)

intoxicate (C)雨海秀和



